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7th Annual Water Symposium and Trade Show: Bridging the Gap: First Nations Water and Wastewater Equity

7 Annual Water Symposium and Trade Show: Bridging the Gap: First Nations Water and Wastewater Equity

Apr 15 – 18, 2024
Hilton Lac-Leamy

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Building upon the dialogue from the 6th Annual Water Symposium, “Securing Safe Water for All First Nations,” the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is hosting an in-person Water Symposium and Trade Show focused on addressing important water-related issues facing First Nations.

Access to safe, clean water and sanitation is more important than ever given the uncertainty facing First Nations with respect to water and wastewater. Legislation, questions around sustainable funding, long-term transfer of care and control, and the implications of a new national water agency continue to be important issues to First Nations. In comparison to most Canadians, access to water and sanitation is a human right that too many First Nations still don’t have. The AFN’s 7th Annual Water Symposium’s theme is Bridging the Gap: First Nations Water and Wastewater Equity.

Who should attend?

Symposium delegates include First Nations leadership from across Canada, water technicians, Public Works department staff, First Nations infrastructure technicians, consultants, Government officials, non-governmental entities, and leading members of academia with an interest in First Nations water and wastewater issues.

Contact Information

If you need assistance registering online, please contact our Registration Coordinator: Tash Cote at

For general information on the 7th Annual Water Symposium and Trade Show, contact Alexandra Whiteduck at

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