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Affordable Port Alberni apartment changing lives, says native health care society – Times Colonist

January 5, 2024

Residents began moving in at the beginning of 2023 and there is already a waiting list of up to 40 people.

Many of the people living in a new affordable rental-housing facility in Port Alberni moved there from tough conditions and have seen profound improvement in their lives, says the chair of the WestCoast Native Health Care Society.

“I’ve heard all sorts of stories,” said Derek Appleton. “Some of them almost bring a tear to your eye.”

Art Van Volsen, building manager for the Tsawaayuus Rainbow Gardens complex that includes the facility, said he was recently speaking with a resident who had previously been living in his vehicle.

The man had his left leg amputated below the knee and uses a wheelchair, Van Volsen said. Now that he’s housed, he’s working on getting a prosthetic limb.

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