Announcing ‘Reconciliation through Art’ Event
Press Release
Announcing ‘Reconciliation through Art’ Event
ALMONTE, Ontario- Organized by Métis Elder and Almonte resident Tony Belcourt, this free, day-long event on September 30 brings together Indigenous artists, performers, and knowledge keepers from across Ontario to create an unforgettable experience at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum in Almonte.
- Indigenous Art and Artisan Exhibition: Over 20 artists from across Ontario will showcase their work, offering visitors the opportunity to purchase art and hear directly from the artists. Many will also contribute to our Silent Auction.
- Indigenous Performances: Enjoy music, drumming, dancing, and storytelling from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm, providing a meaningful way to commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
- Special Film Screening: We are honoured to host Cree filmmaker Jules Koostachin for a screening of her documentary WaaPaKe (“Tomorrow”), which explores the Indian Residential School experiences affecting her family from Attawapiskat.
- Educational Workshops and Teachings: Indigenous Educators will lead talks, workshops, and storytelling sessions in the Museum’s Millworkers Learning Centre and visit local schools to share their knowledge.
- Indigenous Cuisine and Supplies: Savour a delicious selection of Indigenous foods provided by The Frybread Queen from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory and explore ceremonial tools and botanicals from Turtle Lodge Trading Post.
- Special Community Presentation: We’ll feature a presentation on the upcoming Ginawaydaganuc Village, an exciting development in the Almonte area.
This one-day event offers a unique opportunity to celebrate and support Indigenous artists while building relationships in the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation. Surplus funds from the event will go toward Kooshkopayiw (Awakening), a newly formed Métis Artist Collective supported by the Métis Nation of Ontario Cultural Commission.