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Anthem singer honours veterans in Cree ahead of national Indigenous ceremony Wednesday – Edmonton Examiner

Nov 08, 2023

“I believe that the anthem should not be the main focus of a politically dividing conversation, but rather about amplifying Indigenous voices, in our own languages that were stolen from us, in order to further take steps towards reconciliation.”

In a high, clear soprano, Christina Hollingworth brought her Indigenous culture to the recent No Stone Left Alone ceremony at Edmonton’s Beechmount cemetery.

In Cree, the familiar notes of O Canada wafted out on the morning breeze, having an electrifying effect on attendees.

“I want to be able to showcase my culture in a positive way. I want to be able to be a positive role model for other kids my age and other people like me because we haven’t been able to have that for the longest time,” Hollingworth said after the event, prior to Wednesday’s National Indigenous Veterans Day, with a noon ceremony to be held at Edmonton city hall.

The city, in partnership with the Aboriginal Veterans Society of Alberta, is hosting the Wednesday ceremony to recognize the sacrifices and contributions First Nations, Inuit and Métis veterans have made in service to Canada.

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