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B.C. will force severely addicted and mentally ill people into involuntary care: Eby – Winnipeg Sun

Sep 16, 2024

B.C. Premier David Eby has decided the escalating toxic drug crisis warrants forcing those who are severely addicted and mentally ill into involuntary care.

If re-elected, Eby will create 400 involuntary care beds in prisons and hospitals, starting with a secure facility at the Alouette Correctional Centre in Maple Ridge and 10 beds inside the Surrey Pretrial Centre.

“All of the facilities will provide involuntary care under the B.C. Mental Health Act for people certified as requiring that care,” said Eby at a news conference outside Vancouver City Hall on Sunday.

B.C. Conservative Party Leader John Rustad said he was not surprised by Eby’s announcement. “He is flip-flopping on policy,” he said.

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