Press Release
(Algonquin Traditional Territory/Ottawa, ON) – The BC Assembly of First Nations (BCAFN) congratulates Cindy Woodhouse, the newly elected Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief. The AFN election was held on day two of the Special Chiefs Assembly and ran into the third day when candidate David Pratt conceded.
The AFN election for the National Chief was concluded after the sixth ballot, receiving 234 votes of the 415 ballots cast which represents 50.8% of the votes cast by Chiefs and proxies from across the country.
“I extend my warm congratulations to Cindy Woodhouse as she assumes her new role as the National Chief for the Assembly of First Nations. I also want to pay tribute to the other candidates who conducted themselves with integrity and honour throughout the election,” stated Regional Chief Terry Teegee. “I look forward to working with all of these strong leaders and a united AFN as we continue to make progress on vital issues and concerns that have been brought forward by First Nations Chiefs.
A total of seventeen resolutions were passed during the Special Chiefs Assembly that address urgent issues in First Nations health, children and families, specific claims, justice, Residential Schools, Sixties Scoop and many more. The remaining resolutions that were not considered due to a lack of time will be deferred to the Executive Committee for consideration.
In addition, the AFN honoured newly appointed Senators, former Nova Scotia Regional Chief, Paul Prosper, and former AFN CEO, Judy White, as well as Senator Michèle Audette for their dedication and important contributions to First Nations with a blanket ceremony.
For further information, contact:
Annette Schroeter, Communications Officer. Phone: (778) 281-1655.