If you’re an entrepreneur long enough, you’ll eventually run the risk of getting burned out. Follow the tips below to help avoid potential of losing passion for your start up. Image courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
If you’re an entrepreneur long enough, you’ll eventually burn out. Learn what you need in your personal life and in business to avoid burnout while still being able to work 70 hour weeks.
Love What You’re Doing
This is a lesson that some learn the hard way, but if you don’t love what you’re doing, you’re eventually going to get burned out. When you work on something that you really enjoy and are passionate about, it won’t feel like work. You’ll be willing to put in the extra time and effort to make sure that your project succeeds.
Outsource the Boring Parts
As your business begins to grow, you’ll start getting tasked with day-to-day tasks that might start taking the fun out of your initial projects. Having to recruit employees, finding a larger office space, dealing with your broadband provider… all these tasks are boring and a time suck.
To continue with allowing your business to grow while still maintaining your passion for the job, find someone who can handle these daily tasks so that you can rediscover the passion and focus on why you started your business in the first place.
Get a Partner
For those of you who are going at it solo, it can be very easy to burn out when all the decision making lies on you as well as all the risks. You may want to think about possibly getting a business partner who has skills that are complementary to your own. By picking someone with complementary skills, you’ll not only reduce chances of burn out but you’ll also increase chances of productivity and landing additional business.
90/10 Rule
Use 10% your time doing something else other than working on your startup – this could be pursuing a side hobby, brainstorming another idea, or anything else that you love. By making yourself work on a different project, you’ll reactivate the other parts of your brain/heart that otherwise might have been neglected.
Workout in the Morning
As mentioned above, you want to spend 10o% your time working on something other than your business. How about spending some of that time working out? Going to the gym, running, doing yoga, or any other type of workout can help with boosting your energy and fighting fatigue.
Reward Yourself
It’s a good idea to reward yourself every so often. The reward doesn’t need to be from a financial standpoint. It can be as simple as getting a brief escape from reality at the movie theater or going to the golf course to tee off with some friends.
Regardless of how you decide to reward yourself, make sure that you take the time to do so every so often to keep yourself from burning out and keeping you happy.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/entrepreneurship-articles/being-an-entrepreneur-without-getting-burned-out-6616443.html
About the Author
Jamie is a consultant with Iconic Mind, an IT consulting firm that services Baltimore, Annapolis and other parts of Maryland as well as Washington DC.