Press Release
March 13, 2024
VANCOUVER – Proposed legislative amendments support reconciliation and delivery of social housing for people living in Vancouver.
If passed by the legislature, Bill 11 – Vancouver Charter Amendment Act, 2024, will recognize First Nations as a level of government that qualify for exemptions from the City of Vancouver’s development cost levy and amenity cost charge for social housing projects built on First Nations-owned land in Vancouver.
The bill would grant First Nations and First Nation corporations the same exemptions that are applied to the federal and provincial governments, the City of Vancouver and non-profit organizations. Local First Nations have the potential to be a significant supplier of housing. This amendment is intended to reduce costs for First Nations and create opportunities for development, including new social housing.
Authorized under the Vancouver Charter, a development cost levy is a charge that the city can impose on a property developer to fund specific city infrastructure, including parks, child care facilities, replacement housing and engineering infrastructure such as water and roads.
An amenity cost charge is a new development finance tool, introduced by Bill 46 in fall 2023, that allows local governments to collect funds for amenities that provide for an increased population resulting from new development. Combined, development cost levies and amenity cost charges support growing communities.
Development cost levies and amenity cost charges do not apply on reserve lands within the City of Vancouver. The proposed legislation relates specifically to privately held lands owned by First Nations.
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Ministry of Municipal Affairs
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