September 3, 2024
Kekwan Etakwak Mîkisîhk – What’s in a Bead? is a beautifully written book for readers ages 6-8 by Kelsey Borgford, illustrated by Tessa Pizzale, and translated into the Cree language by Angela Shisheesh and Duane Linklater.
It is about a young girl named Tessa who has questions for her mom and Kohkom about beading. To get these answers, she offers tobacco to her Kohkom, and Kohkom of course has stories and teachings. She explains to Tessa that there are stories in the beads themselves. They tell us who Anishinaabe are as a people. She tells Tessa that we must listen to the stories they tell us.
Only until Tessa hears these stories is she ready to start beading. It’s a very thoughtful way to explain that beading is not just beading. There are stories in the beadwork, and they are pieces of art telling a unique story.
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