Press Release
QUÉBEC, March 21, 2023- Budget 2023-2024 allows the government to strengthen its actions to support Quebecers and improve their quality of life. This commitment translates into investments of nearly $3.6 billion over the next five years to promote Québec culture and the French language, increase the supply of affordable housing and improve access to childcare services and the justice system.
$649 million to promote Québec culture and the French language
Investments totalling nearly $88 million over the next five years are planned to step up efforts to protect, preserve and promote the French language. This amount will be used to ensure the implementation of An Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec, to establish indicators on the language situation in Québec and to support the government’s action plan for the future of the French language, which will be tabled by this fall.
In addition to representing a major economic sector, cultural industries promote Québec here and abroad. In this context, the government is planning additional investments of more than $561 million to promote Québec culture. These initiatives will give new impetus to the cultural sector, deploy creativity and promote Québec cultural content in the digital realm, as well as promote Québec culture by increasing its dissemination and accessibility.
$1.0 billion to improve housing affordability
The government has made major investments in social and affordable housing in recent years, but the need remains high. In this context, Budget 2023-2024 provides $650 million over six years to build more than 5 250 social and affordable housing units and to maintain the existing stock.
In addition, to support Quebecers who are faced with rising housing costs, the government is announcing an increase, as of next July, in the housing component of the solidarity tax credit. This additional assistance of $292 million over five years will benefit 1.8 million people. Combined with the indexation of the tax system already planned, this represents a potential gain of $78 for a person living alone and $126 for a couple with two children.
A further $59 million will provide an additional 2 000 households with housing through the Rent Supplement Program and help municipalities and housing authorities support households that find themselves homeless.
$440 million to support Québec families in a practical manner
The government is also continuing its action to ensure that Québec families have greater access to subsidized childcare spaces and to quality educational childcare services adapted to families’ needs. In this regard, investments totalling more than $376 million over five years will notably make it possible to convert 5 000 non-subsidized childcare spaces into subsidized spaces by 2023-2024.
Moreover, more than $63 million will be used to develop the Québec network of community social pediatrics centres and to increase support for family community organizations that provide assistance tailored to the needs of the most vulnerable families.
$722 million to strengthen the accessibility and efficiency of transportation networks
To make sure all Quebecers have efficient, accessible transit services and infrastructure, the government is providing $722 million over six years to ensure continued mobility of people and supply to communities, as well as to invest in effective and safe land transportation infrastructure. Of this amount, $400 million will support the recovery of public transit, while $200 million will be used to support the municipal sector in maintaining and improving the local road network.
$533 million to support Quebecers’ quality of life
Budget 2023-2024 also makes it possible to continue the government’s efforts to support the most disadvantaged, particularly through the community sector. In this regard, an additional investment of $125 million in this budget will increase government support to a historic $2 billion for 2023-2024.
Initiatives totalling $408 million over six years are also planned to combat sexual and domestic violence, improve inclusion and equality, promote safety in the communities, facilitate access to justice, and support the vitality of English-speaking communities.
$121 million to continue supporting First Nations and Inuit people
Over the last four years, more than $750 million has been invested to implement concrete measures to improve the services offered to Indigenous people, and to enhance support with regard to housing, education and economic, social and cultural development. In Budget 2023-2024, the government is taking an additional step by setting aside $121 million to continue supporting First Nations and Inuit people.
“Today we are strengthening our action to protect and promote the French language while supporting the development of the cultural sector. We are committed to improving the quality of life of all Quebecers, which is why we are also making significant investments in sectors that are critical to citizens, such as housing, childcare services, communities, transportation and public safety.”
Eric Girard, Minister of Finance and Minister Responsible for Relations with English-Speaking Quebecers
Related link:
All the details on Budget 2023-2024: Qué
For further information: Source: Claudia Loupret, Press Agent, Office of the Minister of Finance and Minister Responsible for Relations with English-Speaking Quebecers, Tel.: 418 670-6413; Information: Jacques Delorme, Media Relations Officer, Ministère des Finances, Tel.: 418 528-7382