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Canada’s conservatives are losing a proud legacy – The Record

December 11, 2023

It was a Progressive Conservative government under prime minister John Diefenbaker that gave Canada its first federal human rights legislation, Craig Wallace writes.

Recently I published an opinion piece here in The Spectator on my discomfort with Pierre Poilievre and the Conservative Party of Canada. That led me to look to the conservatives of the past in Canada and how they have changed in the areas of human rights and the environment.

When the issue of human rights is discussed, most Canadians would believe human rights legislation is the “bailiwick” of the Liberal party. After all, the Liberals were in power when Canada repatriated the Constitution and created the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the early 1980s.

But did you know it was a Progressive Conservative government under prime minister John Diefenbaker that gave Canada its first federal human rights legislation with the Canadian Bill of Rights in 1960? In Ontario, the Progressive Conservative government of John Robarts wrote and passed into the law the Ontario Human Rights Code in 1962.

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