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CEC should delay hydroelectric development in North: First Nations, green groups – Winnipeg Free Press

Last Modified: 09/9/2013 3:35 PM

First Nations and environmentalists are calling on the Clean Environment Commission to live up to its own words: delay any further hydroelectric development in Manitoba’s north until a wider study is done on the impact of dams on the land and its people.

Pimicikamak First Nation, Peguis First Nation, the Interfaith Task Force on Hydro Development and Manitoba Wildlands will hold a news conference Tuesday to demand the CEC delay its public hearings on Manitoba Hydro’s Keeyask generating station project on the lower Nelson River.

The groups have filed motions filed with the CEC to secure a full cumulative environment assessment regarding hydro-electric projects across northern Manitoba prior to any further hydro projects — exactly what the CEC outlined in its recent report on the Bipole III transmission line project.

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