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Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain condemns boycott over Canadian seal hunt … – National Post

Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain condemns boycott over Canadian seal hunt, says ‘Canada an easy, PC target’


A U.S. celebrity chef has come to the aid of Canada’s subsistence seal hunters, calling a Canadian seafood boycott by fellow chefs over the seal hunt ‘‘dangerous and misguided.’’

Television host Anthony Bourdain, criticizing chefs who had signed a petition promising to boycott Canadian seafood unless the hunt were stopped, said on Twitter many far north communities have little access to affordable western-style food. Banning the seal hunt in its entirety “dooms the indigenous people above [Arctic] circle to death or relocation,’’ he said on Monday.

In a statement to the National Post on Tuesday, Mr. Bourdain elaborated: “I do not consider myself a spokesman for anyone. I am simply a man with an opinion— and will continue to voice that opinion when moved to do so. I find the precedent set by chefs boycotting the many for the behaviours of a few — whose practices they disapprove of — dangerous and misguided.”

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