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Cody Lightning’s mockumentary Hey, Viktor! chases delusional dreams with cringe-hilarious results – The Star Phoenix

Mar 13, 2024

The locally-shot gonzo comedy premiered at Tribeca, ended up on Canada’s Top Ten list and opens at Metro with a Q&A Thursday

From child film star to a role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Edmonton actor Cody Lightning has had an amazing ride.

Still, it’s nothing compared to the hilarious invented life he inhabits in his directorial debut, Hey, Viktor! shot in and around Edmonton and Enoch — a meta mockumentary he co-wrote and stars in as a truly pathetic, intervention-worthy version of himself.

Think Ricky Gervais in Extras meets the Trailer Park Boys, set in the desperate, boozy world of low-budget filmmaking with a funder’s gun to his head.

[Think Ricky Gervais in Extras meets the Trailer Park Boys, set in the desperate, boozy world of low-budget filmmaking with a funder’s gun to his head.=”” source=”” /]

Funded by Telefilm, this gonzo comedy premiered at Tribeca, played TIFF and ImagiNATIVE, and ended up on the esteemed Canada’s Top Ten list.

A special Q&A screening happens Thursday at Edmonton’s Metro Cinema — where some of it was filmed — running Saturday through Wednesday before hitting VOD/Digital including Crave April 16.

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