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First Minister appalled with ferry delays

Press Release

June 10, 2024

The Nunatsiavut Government’s First Minister, Melva Williams, is frustrated with the delays in the start of service of the 2024 shipping season. According to the provincial Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, the Kamutik W will not began serving the North coast until after June 16.

“This year is one of the earliest we’ve experienced ice-free ports. The Kamutik W could easily service the coast and bring in much needed supplies for our people,” said Minister Williams. “Food costs are high enough as it is, but combine that with lack of goods on store shelves, and we have a serious issue. This is just not good enough in this day in age.”

The Kamutik W is currently on dry dock in St. John’s after spending some time servicing the Change Islands-Fogo Island run this spring.

“We have thousands of people who depend on that ferry, not just for travel, but to connect us to the outside world,” Minister Williams reiterated. “With the delays in service, Transportation Minister John Abbott should immediate implement a boat-plane service, and lower the cost of shipping to the North coast to subsidize the lack of care for the people of Nunatsiavut.”

Minister Williams has requested an in-person meeting with Minister Abbott to further discuss this issue.

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