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First Nation ratifies – North Bay Nipissing .com

NIPISSING – On Jan. 10, the Nipissing First Nation (NFN) became the first aboriginal government in Ontario to adopt its own constitution. Among other things, the constitution defines who the Nipissing First Nation are as a people, how they will govern themselves, how they will manage their land and finances and how they will protect and preserve their culture.

Chief Marianna Couchie of the NFN does not see the constitution as a challenge to existing Federal legislation.

“Nipissing First Nations is moving forward,” she says, “The constitution just helps further our movement toward our goal of self-government.”

The constitution, called the Nipissing Gichi-Naaknigewin, was tabled to NFN council by Chief Couchie November of 2013, but she says the planning process goes much farther back.

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