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First Nations issues would be top priority for an NDP government … – The Globe and Mail

First Nations issues would be top priority for an NDP government, Mulcair says

Oct. 06 2013

Thomas Mulcair promises that a federal government led by his New Democrats would make First Nations issues a top priority and that he would take a personal hand in their resolution.

It is not a pledge that is likely to sway large numbers of voters. First Nations people make up less than 3 per cent of the Canadian population, voter turnout on reserves has been well below the national average, and non-aborginal Canadians do not, in general, rank indigenous issues high on a scale of importance.

But NDP sources say the NDP Leader’s interest in the First Nations file is personal. And, they say, despite the fact that he is clearly in pre-election mode with the next vote potentially a year-and-a-half away, this is not something he has taken on for political gain.

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