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First Nations University Forges Ahead with Strategic Plan and Shares Accomplishments of the Past Year

December 2013 – the Regina launch of Lighting the Path: First Nations University of Canada Strategic Plan 2013-2018 brought together local dignitaries and community stakeholders as well as FNUniv Executive, faculty, staff and students. They gathered to celebrate the roadmap that will guide the work of Canada’s first university-accredited Indigenous institution of higher learning for the next five years. The approval of this plan comes at a moment of great promise for First Nations University of Canada (FNUniv), with the University enjoying robust growth and renewal.

FNUniv’s 2012-2013 Annual Report was released simultaneously and clearly articulates how FNUniv increased its core strengths in governance, academic programming and community engagement, while maintaining fiscal stability.

“FNUniv’s Strategic Plan is underpinned by the wisdom and strength of our Elders; the vision and leadership of our communities; the promise of our students; the commitment and experience of our faculty and staff; and the continued support of our many stakeholders,” asserted Juliano Tupone, FNUniv Acting President and Vice-President, Finance and Administration. “We will continue to listen to our stakeholders to ensure we remain on the right path – this is a shared journey with a common destination – strengthening and solidifying FNUniv’s reputation as a leader and successful model of Indigenous higher learning.”

“The Strategic Plan outlines very clear institutional goals to achieve. Driving this plan, and all we do, are our students; they are the true lights along our path – illuminating the way with their determination and hard work,” stated Dr. Lynn Wells, FNUniv Vice-President, Academic. “With the accounting of the past year through the annual report, this is also a time to celebrate FNUniv’s faculty and their many scholarly and engagement activities. Our academic staff are highly regarded for their academic integrity and their
benefits to Indigenous communities. We are making further inroads on new programming focused on Indigenous ways of knowing and student success, continuing to ensure the conditions needed for enhanced retention and graduation rates.”


Media Contact: Racelle Kooy, Director of Communications
Office: 306-790-5950 ext 2600 Mobile: (306) 551-2965 Email:

Annual Report Link:
Strategic Plan Link:

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