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Government Continues Pre-budget Consultations

February 5, 2014

Minister Howard to Hear from Manitobans in Public Meetings, Telephone Town Halls

Manitobans will have the opportunity to attend pre-budget public consultations across the province or to share their visions for the upcoming budget in community meetings, by telephone and online, Finance Minister Jennifer Howard announced today.

“We want to hear from as many Manitobans as possible, which is why we’re using a variety of ways to connect with people across the province,” said Minister Howard.  “I encourage everyone to send us an email, fill out our survey, come to a meeting or participate in our telephone town halls.”

Since the consultation process began in Brandon in December, Minister Howard has met with a variety of groups including high-school students, industry and municipal associations, business councils and parent groups.

In addition to upcoming public meetings, the government is using the innovative approach of telephone town halls to connect with people across the province.  The telephone system will allow participants across the province to hear an update from the minister, vote on budget priorities, share their ideas and ask questions about the upcoming budget.

“Budget time always means tough choices for a finance minister,” said the minister.  “It’s important that we hear from people about what their priorities are whether it’s creating good jobs, investing in infrastructure,  protecting services or making life more affordable.”

Manitobans can go in person to the consultations taking place in their regions or register online in advance to be contacted for the telephone town hall.  People will also be called at random and invited to join the conversation.

Upcoming consultations will include:

  • Feb. 10 – Winnipeg telephone town hall from 6:45 to 8 p.m. and a rural Manitoba telephone town hall from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.  Register by calling the minister of finance at 204-945-3952 or online
  • Feb. 11 – Dauphin, 1 to 3 p.m., Dauphin Friendship Centre, 210 First Ave.  Register by calling
    204-622-7630 or the minister of finance in Winnipeg at 204-945-3952.
  • Feb. 12 – Churchill, 10 a.m. to noon at the Town Complex, 180 La Verendrye Ave.  Register by calling 204-943-2274or the minister of finance in Winnipeg at 204-945-3952.
  • Feb. 18 – Gimli, 7 to 9 p.m., Lakeview Resort, 10 Centre St.  Register by calling 204-642-4977 or the minister of finance in Winnipeg at 204-945-3952.

Those unable to attend a meeting can make a submission in writing to the minister by emailing or by mail at Budget Consultations, Room 103, Legislative Building,
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3C 0V8.

The pre-budget online survey can be found on the Manitoba Finance website

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