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Honouring and supporting Indigenous resilience

September 30, 2024

I struggle with National Truth and Reconciliation Day. While I know my thoughts may change over time, my truth right now is I really don’t like this day.

For me personally, partaking in some events on this day can be triggering and traumatic. While I try most always to have a positive outlook, it is a day I know will be sad and heavy. Despite the many well-intentioned events planned and organized throughout the country, it can be a lot to take in.

It is a day where I want to confront the disturbing insincerity of a day set aside for “truth and reconciliation” by a country that continues actions causing harm, denial of basic human rights and racism against Indigenous peoples. It is a day I would honestly prefer to run away from rather than face the reality and sadness of the hard feelings that surface. It is a day where I want to shield and protect our dear Elders from having to relive past traumas.

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