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Improving Healthcare through Partnership – Net Newsledger

Partnerships with Aboriginal Groups Help Improve Healthcare

THUNDER BAY – Healthbeat – “Through initiatives such as establishing an Aboriginal Advisory Committee, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) is demonstrating its willingness to address Aboriginal health issues”, says Jason Beardy.

There are no easy solutions, but it’s good to see that TBRHSC is taking the initiative and developing that partnership, not only with the Aboriginal Advisory Committee, but with the larger Aboriginal community in Thunder Bay – Jason Beardy

Beardy is one of the members of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee (ACC) which advises on how best to meet the healthcare and cultural needs of Aboriginal patients and their families.

As Director of Health Policy & Planning and Special Reports for the Nishnawbe Aski-Nation (NAN), he brings with him the perspective of 49 communities in Northern Ontario between the Manitoba and Quebec borders. His department communicates with and lobbies the federal and provincial governments to bring about improvements in health. NAN communities share many common concerns, including diabetes and, since 2009, a prescription drug abuse epidemic.

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