Don’t miss the 6th annual Inclusion Works – Canada’s largest Indigenous inclusion event & recruitment fair. Expand your inclusion community of practice Inclusion Works ’14 features: |
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REGISTER for Inclusion Works ’14 – by Dec. 20 for chance to win an iPad Air!
Gain insights from inspiring keynote thought leaders that promise to entertain and challenge your thinking.
Fast forward your inclusion efforts by discovering “inclusion pressure points” and learning from case studies that uncover DND that drive successful partnership approaches with the Indigenous community. Learn how you can overcome challenges that stall your efforts to advance up the Inclusion Continuum.
Gain the insight of corporations from across Canada and a variety of sectors that are leading Indigenous inclusion efforts in the areas of human resources, corporate social responsibility, communications and procurement.
Take advantage of many opportunities to meet like-minded individuals from various economic sectors and professions that want the same thing you do – partnerships with the Indigenous community that work. Also use networking opportunities to engage with Indigenous post-secondary grads that are brought to the event from across Canada to participate in a leadership experience and recruitment event.
Each delegate will receive one pass to the premier networking “Partnership Festival” – an event promising to be the “go to” Vancouver attraction on Tuesday, April 29th. Breakfasts, lunches and additional networking opportunities will also be available. Additional tickets to the Partnership Festival are available for purchase at $100.00 each on the registration page.
This year we’re shaking things up a little and moving away from a trade show format to an employer showcase exhibit. The exhibit will allow employers an opportunity to profile what makes them a company or an employer-of-choice for Indigenous talent and business partnerships. Employers can use this opportunity to recruit Indigenous post-secondary grads, share their expertise with delegates, and build economic development partnerships with members of the Indigenous community.
Premier Indigenous artisans will also be on hand to showcase and sell their handcrafted artwork and more.
Our Leadership Circle partners will get an opportunity to meet, interview and hire up to 100 recent post-secondary Indigenous grads that are matched to their recruitment needs. Grads brought to the event will have received a trade certification or a degree/diploma between 2010-2014).
To help grads prepare to meet employers, they undergo a leadership experience and mentoring process before arriving at Inclusion Works and the recruitment fair component of the event. The recruitment fair will take place the afternoons of April 29 and 30.
• To learn more about how you can participate as a recruiter please contact Holly Cooper(613.435.2472).
• Post-secondary Indigenous grads – to apply, click here.
REGISTER for Inclusion Works ’14 – by Dec. 20 for chance to win an iPad Air!
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Don’t miss the magic – Inclusion Works ’14: Indigenous inclusion & recruitment – Vancouver Apr 29–May 1’ 14 #IWs14 -