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Indigenous students get acquainted with hospital staff through internship program – The Spec

February 12, 2024

Indigenous high schoolers are shadowing employees at St. Boniface Hospital as part of a new pilot project that will bolster teenage participants’ resumés and expose them to different careers in medicine.

Indigenous high schoolers are shadowing employees at St. Boniface Hospital as part of a new pilot project that will bolster teenage participants’ resumés and expose them to different careers in medicine.

Over the next four months, a group of 12 students from the River East Transcona School Division is taking part in a special internship credit program.

The Grade 11 and 12 participants — all of whom are First Nations, Métis or Inuit — are being matched with mentors and rotating through different workstations, ranging from human resources to nutritional sciences, based on their individual interests.

“I feel good about the internship. I’m really excited to go on with it… working with patients and learning medical terms and all those kinds of things,” said Hailey Chubaty-Lathlin, a Grade 12 student from River East Collegiate.

The final-year student said she is eyeing a career in social work, but has yet to make a final decision about what she will do after graduating in the spring.

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