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Invitation for SWN Consultation letter surfaces in Elsipogtog – The Media Co-op

November 19, 2013

Sept. 6th letter confirms $200 honorarium for elders rumour

REXTON, NEW BRUNSWICK – A letter on Assembly of First Nation Chiefs of New Brunswick (AFNCNB) letterhead, date August 31st, 2012, is now making its way around social media circles.

The letter itself is a ‘your name here’ invitation from Elsipogtog First Nation Chief Aaron Sock to a selected group of elders (how the elders were selected amongst their counterparts is unknown). The letter reads as follows:

‘Dear — , I wish to personally invite you to attend a special Elders Workshop to represent our Community on upcoming matters of Aboriginal consultation. The purpose of this workshop will be to participate in a preliminary Roundtable Discussion on matters of consultation related to the development of the oil and natural gas sector that is being proposed within Mi’gmag and Maliseet Territory as a whole.

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