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JHSS hosts two-day conference focusing on reconciliation and restorative justice – Discover Moose Jaw

Nov 17 2023

The John Howard Society of Saskatchewan (JHSS) is hosting a two-day conference focusing on reconciliation and restorative justice this week at the Grant Hall Hotel.

The event, titled Changing Our Lens: A Community Gathering on Reconciliation & Restorative Justice, features several keynote speakers, panel discussions, and an Indigenous-based trade show that is open to the public.

About 100 people from across the province are attending the conference, which wraps up Friday afternoon.

“We just have two days of really amazing speakers. People who are coming to share some of their own personal life stories,” explained Jody Oakes, Manager of Justice Programming and Branch Services at the John Howard Society. “We have Ben Perrin…who is an author and a lawyer out of UBC coming to share with us. We have Legal Aid Saskatchewan. We have Joely BigEagle-Kequahtooway speaking…We have Eleanore Sunchild, the lawyer for the Colton Boushie family…We have a panel of a lived-experience individual who has gone through writing a Gladue submission guide, which is something for Indigenous people when they’re engaged in the justice system.”

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