RCMP family concerned over injustice and tension between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities due to day parole for man convicted of manslaughter of Métis men
A Glendon-area man who was convicted for manslaughter in the shooting deaths of two men who were left on the road to die has been granted day parole, but denied full-parole, a move that has raised concerns with the victims’ family and RCMP over creating a greater divide between the Indigenous, Métis and non-Indigenous community in the area.
Three years ago Roger Bilodeau and his son chased down a pair of Métis hunters, Jacob Sansom and Maurice Cardinal. The pair had slowly past Bilodeau’s house near Glendon, Alberta. He said he was fearful due to crime in the area and took chase after the vehicle, calling another son on the way and telling him to bring a gun. After a seven-kilometre, at times high-speed chase, the Bilodeau’s managed to cut off the victim’s truck. An altercation ensued and Bilodeau’s son, Anthony, shot and killed Sansom and Cardinal. The two assailants left them to die on the side of the road.