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Manitoba Government Recognizes Indigenous Disability Awareness Month in the Province

Press Release

November 1, 2023

The Manitoba government recognizes November as Indigenous Disability Awareness Month by raising awareness of the particular barriers faced by Indigenous Peoples living with disabilities, Families Minister Nahanni Fontaine, minister responsible for accessibility, announced today.

“Every person living with a disability deserves to live with dignity in a world without barriers,” said Fontaine. “Indigenous Peoples living with disabilities face additional barriers and I want to make sure their voices are heard as part of our disability support programs. In my work as minister responsible for accessibility, I look forward to working with our relatives living with disabilities, accessibility champions, businesses, non-profit organizations and all members of Manitoba’s disability community to improve accessibility across the province.”

The minister noted Indigenous Peoples across Canada experience a disability rate significantly higher than the general population, with one in three First Nations and Métis people and one in five Inuit having a disability. Fontaine said Indigenous Peoples with disabilities face additional barriers in their daily lives because of systemic racism and social discrimination, further affecting the economic and social exclusion they experience.

Following the United Nations International Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recommendation, Manitoba joined other organizations and communities across Canada in recognizing Indigenous Disability Awareness Month in 2021.

Under the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, work continues to improve accessibility for all Manitobans by creating a more equitable and inclusive society, and identifying, removing and preventing barriers, said the minister.

This November, Fontaine noted Manitobans are asked to recognize the achievements and valuable contributions Indigenous Peoples living with disabilities make to our communities every day, as work continues to make Manitoba an accessible and inclusive province for everyone.

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For more information:

  • Public information, contact Manitoba Government Inquiry: 1-866-626-4862 or 204-945-3744.
  • Media requests for general information, contact Communications and Engagement:


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