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Metis Nation of Ontario singled out at Indigenous ‘identity fraud’ summit – Canada’s National Observer

May 15th 2024

Indigenous leaders at a summit on what they call Indigenous identify fraud have passed a resolution specifically targeting the Métis Nation of Ontario.

The resolution calls on Canada to cease all negotiations with the provincial organization, and for Ontario to retract the identification of six new communities the province recognized in 2017.

It also urges the federal and provincial governments to stop “accommodating Indigenous identity theft,” and to take proactive steps with “legitimate rights holders” to protect their constitutional and inherent rights.

The Métis Nation of Ontario was the main topic on the first day of the summit Tuesday, co-hosted by the Manitoba Métis Federation and the Chiefs of Ontario in Winnipeg.

The summit also discussed Bill C-53, a federal piece of legislation that seeks to formally recognize Métis governments in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario.

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