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Métis Nation–Saskatchewan stands with English River First Nation

Press Release

Saskatoon, SK – It is with heavy hearts that Métis Nation– Saskatchewan (MN–S) stands with the northern community of English River First Nation. Earlier today, English River released its first findings after an initial ground penetrating radar search revealed up to 83 possible unmarked graves at a site near the Beauval Indian Residential School.

English River First Nation located in northwest Saskatchewan, is closely connected to the Métis community, Patuanak. Children from First Nation and Métis families were sent to Beauval Indian Residential School from 1860-1995.

“Firstly, I would like to extend my personal condolences to the souls that have been lost, their families, and the Survivors that have endured this tragedy. Secondly, on behalf of MN-S I would like to offer our prayers and our support, our resources, and our continued friendship to English River First Nation. An MN–S emergency response team has been mobilized and will be on the ground to provide support to anyone in need during this difficult time. Emergency mental health services are also available by phone seven days a week,” said MN–S Vice President Michelle LeClair. “Over 15 northern communities have been impacted by today’s devastating discovery, and it is likely that every family in the north will be touched by this tragedy and we are here to support everyone.”

Citizens are encouraged to reach out to the MN–S 24-hour phone line for mental health supports: 1-877-767-7572.


About Métis Nation–Saskatchewan:

Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN–S) is built on a foundation of Métis identity, culture, values, and language. Empowered by the Métis within Saskatchewan, MN–S works to advance Métis rights and strengthen capacity. MN–S represents the political, socioeconomic, cultural, and educational interests of the Métis in the province through an elected representative system at local, regional, and provincial levels. Social Media Links: @MNSask, @metisnationsask

For media inquiries:

Bonnie Leask – or 306-491-8657


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