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Na-Me-Res opens non-profit housing in Toronto, providing permanent homes for Indigenous men experiencing homelessness – Anishinabek News

July 30, 2024

TORONTO, ON – On July 22, Na-Me-Res, a not-for-profit dedicated to providing housing, skills training, and cultural reconnection to Indigenous men experiencing homelessness in Toronto, opened the doors to a new residence at 218 Carlton Street, named Migize Pazaagwii Gamik, meaning Uplifting Place of the Bald Eagle.

“Now more than ever, it is crucial that Indigenous people in Toronto have access to culturally appropriate supports to secure stable, safe, and affordable housing. Our new Carlton Street affordable housing project marks the first of three builds we are developing to help address the crisis of Indigenous people facing and experiencing homelessness in this city and to provide them with the dignity they deserve,” said Steve Teekens, Executive Director, Na-Me-Res. “Fifteen per cent of people experiencing homelessness in Toronto are Indigenous – even though we only make up 0.5 per cent of the city’s population. This imbalance is the source of our mission at Na-Me-Res, to help homeless Indigenous men rediscover their mino bimaadiziwin – living a good life in health.”

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