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New healthcare project uses art to address Canadian healthcare biases – The Free Press

This free learning resource humanizes healthcare by combining arts and the humanities with science

The Hearts-based Education and Anti-colonial Learning in Healthcare (H.E.A.L. Healthcare) project was launched on Aug. 16. This project was a collaboration between The Health Arts Research Centre (HARC) and the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH).

It brought together 30 artists, writers and activists to create arts-based learning materials for healthcare educators, professionals, and practitioners. This resource is not just for healthcare providers or professionals, anyone can access its free lessons that are in the form of storytelling, painting, cooking, poetry and more.

“As an anti-colonial medical educator, I believe there needs to be more tools to combat oppressive practices. Every tool on this website asks for self-reflection and internal focus,” said Sarah De Leeuw, research director of the HARC.

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