OTTAWA, September 30, 2013 – As part of the strengthened and modernized Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012(CEAA 2012) put in place to support the government’s Responsible Resource Development Initiative, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency is conducting an environmental assessment of the proposed Niobec Mine Expansion Project, located in Quebec. The Agency invites the public to comment on the potential environmental effects of the project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in a summary of the proponent’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Written comments must be submitted by October 30, 2013 to:
Niobec Mine Expansion Project
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
901-1550 d’Estimauville Avenue
Québec, QC G1J 0C1
Telephone: 418-649-6444
Fax: 418-649-6443
To view the summary of the EIS or for more information, visit the Agency’s website (registry reference number 80011). All comments received will be considered public.
Copies of the summary of the EIS are also available for viewing at the following locations:
Consistent with the transparency and public engagement elements of CEAA 2012, this is the third of four opportunities for Canadians to comment on this project. Following this comment period, the Agency will prepare a draft Environmental Assessment Report, setting out its conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of the project, the proposed mitigation measures, and the significance of any remaining adverse environmental effects. A public comment period on the draft Environmental Assessment Report will be announced at a later date.
Projects subject to CEAA 2012 are assessed using a science-based approach. If the project is permitted to proceed to the next phase, it will continue to be subject to Canada’s strong environmental laws, rigorous enforcement and follow-up, and increased fines.
The proposed project
Mine Niobec, the proponent, proposes to substantially increase ore production at the Niobec mine, located in Saint-Honoré, in the Saguenay region, by changing its underground mining method. This would increase the ore production capacity from 2.2 to 10 million tonnes per year and triple the annual production of ferroniobium. The proposed project would have a 40-year life span and would include the construction of a new industrial complex with facilities to handle the ore treatment and the disposal of additional volume of tailings.
The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency administers the federal environmental assessment process, which identifies the environmental effects of proposed projects and measures to address those effects, in support of sustainable development.
For more information, media may contact:
Sofie McCoy-Astell
Communications Advisor
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Telephone: 613-960-1519