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NWMB Regular Meeting 001-2025

Press Release

To: NWMB Co-management Partners

Re: Nunavut Wildlife Management Board (NWMB) Regular Hearing Meeting No. RM 001-2025

Please be advised that the next NWMB Regular Meeting (No. RM 001-2025) will be held on February 26, 2025. The location of the RM 001-2025 meeting will be in Iqaluit, Nu-navut at the NWMB boardroom.

All briefing notes and supporting documents are required to be submitted to the NWMB, in English and Inuktut, by January 3, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time). Please include any relevant photographs and maps pertaining to the issue presented in the briefing note.

Briefing notes and supporting documents can be submitted by email or mail. They should be clearly marked as pertaining to the NWMB’s Regular Meeting No. RM 001-2025. De-livery of briefing notes through email must be confirmed by phone with the NWMB by no later than 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on January 3, 2025, that a complete and legible copy of the transmission has been received by the NWMB. Materials are deemed to have been filed on the actual day of receipt by the NWMB.

On January 16, 2024, the NWMB gave notice that it was revising its annual regular meeting schedule. This revision also includes an opportunity for co-management part-ners to provide a written response to submissions that require a Board decision.

The deadline for a written response to submissions that require a Board decision will be provided alongside the Regular Meeting (RM001-2025) Agenda, which will be circulated and posted on the NWMB website.

Note that co-management partners will retain the opportunity to provide input verbally at the Regular Meeting on February 26, 2025, whether in person or remotely.

The NWMB can be contacted at the following address:


310-1106 Ikaluktuutiak Drive

Iqaluit, NU,

X0A 3H0

Phone: (867) 975-7300

Fax: (888) 421-9832


Please note that submissions not received by the January 3, 2025 deadline will not be considered for the RM 001-2025 meeting. This will be strictly enforced.

For those who intend to make Power-Point presentations, please arrange for a test run of the projection equipment, in advance of your actual presentation, to ensure there are no technical problems when it is time for you to make your actual presentation to the Board. Additionally, if you are joining via Zoom, please test your microphone in advance to confirm clear audio.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the NWMB office at (867) 975-7300 or by e-mailing our Office Administrator and Finance Assistant, at

Thank you for your co-operation.

Nunavut Wildlife Management Board


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