Press Release
June 6, 2024
June is a time for honouring the diversity in our communities as we celebrate Indigenous History Month and Pride Month.
The Office of the Treaty Commissioner loves to see the beauty and kindness that is celebrated this month. It is important to recognize the intersections of these movements and uplift the communities of Indigenous 2SLGBTQ+ people.
The Two-Spirit identity has long been part of Indigenous culture and history. The term Two-Spirit is a modern phrase used to describe a person with both masculine and feminine spirits. They are able to see life through the eyes of both genders and often hold important roles in their communities.
The OTC encourages people to learn more about Two-Spirit identities. By being an ally and learning more we increase our understanding of gender diversity and challenge societal norms.
We need to come together as a community, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, to create an environment of love, respect, and inclusivity, where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.
Celebrating both Indigenous History Month and Pride means we stand together against hatred, challenge discrimination, and stop prejudice and intolerance.
How can you get involved?
Here are some resources to get you started
The history of two spirit folks
Two-Spirit activists, community leaders and content creators
A Place in the circle: Understanding and Support Two-Spirit People
Out Saskatoon’s Allies and Solidarity
What does Two Spirit mean?
Trans And Native: Meet The Indigenous Doctor Giving Them Hope