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Paladin Energy Ltd: Mutual Benefits Agreement with Buffalo River Dene Nation

Press Release

February 3, 2025

Paladin Energy Ltd (ASX:PDN, TSX:PDN, OTCQX:PALAF) (“Paladin” or the “Company”) announces its Canadian operating company, Fission Uranium Corp. (“Fission”), has signed a Mutual Benefits Agreement (the “ MBA” or the “Agreement”) with Buffalo River Dene Nation (“BRDN”). This is the first MBA signed with Indigenous peoples associated with the Patterson Lake South project (“PLS” or the “Project”).

The Agreement covers the lifespan of the Project, which lies within BRDN traditional territory in the southwestern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. The signing ceremony involved senior representatives of Fission and BRDN Chief and Council.

The Agreement sets out how Fission and BRDN will work together to shape and share in the economic and social benefits the development of the PLS project will bring to the region.

Importantly, the Agreement confirms the support and consent of BRDN for the Project in all phases, from development through to decommissioning and reclamation. This Agreement marks the transition to a new phase of that relationship as PLS advances towards construction and operations.

The Agreement also signifies to both provincial and federal regulators that BRDN supports the Project and that mechanisms for continued meaningful engagement are in place as PLS advances through to the permitting and licensing phase.

Paladin Energy CEO, Ian Purdy said: “We are pleased to stand behind the Fission team in signing this important Agreement with BRDN and our goal is to be a long-term partner in Saskatchewan, a good neighbour, and a positive force in the community and we look forward to continuing to work together with BRDN.”

BRDN Chief Billette said: “This Agreement, negotiated over several years, ensures that all stages of Fission’s project in our traditional territory will provide Buffalo River Dene Nation members with training, employment, and business opportunities for member – and nation-owned businesses. Most importantly, it includes commitments to environmental stewardship and sustainability, helping ensure our land and resources are protected for future generations. We are grateful to have reached this point and look forward to working together in the years ahead.”

This announcement has been authorised for release by the Board of Directors of Paladin Energy Ltd.

For further information contact:

Investor Relations
Head Office Canada
Paula Raffo Bob Hemmerling
Paladin Investor Relations Paladin Investor Relations
T: +61 8 9423 8100 T: +1 250-868-8140
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Head Office Canada
Hayley Cardy Ian Hamilton, Partner
Clarity Communications FGS Longview
T: +61 409 448 288 T: +1 905-399-6591
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