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Provincial Government Completes Integration of English School District

Press Release

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has completed the integration of the former Newfoundland and Labrador English School District.

The NLSchools brand will now represent the K-12 English public school system in Newfoundland and Labrador. All school-facing functions (including the daily operations of schools), teacher hiring and allocation, and school transportation remain unchanged.

The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure will undertake new responsibilities, which include the daily operations of student transportation, as well as supporting maintenance services to school facilities throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.

Integration allows staff from the former school district and from government to work together to support improved educational outcomes in a more unified way. Aligning program and curriculum development and enhancing service delivery will improve the education experience and help students excel.

The Provincial Government has taken additional actions to improve the educational experience of students in K-12 public education. These include:

  • Embarking on a transformative educational process to review and evolve the K-12 educational curriculum;
  • Developing and implementing a Grade 10 literacy and numeracy assessment by 2025 to ensure that students have the expected mathematics knowledge and skills as they leave the K-12 public education system;
  • Continuing to promote the new STELLAR Program which promotes professional learning opportunities for educators in mathematics education;
  • Implementing the Newfoundland and Labrador Standards of Practice for Mathematics Teaching which is designed to promote excellence among math teachers through professional learning, engaging in reflection on practice, and working collaboratively with others in mathematics teaching;
  • Phasing out the 1.6 kilometre rule to access school bus services; and,
  • Allocating over $127 million through Budget 2023 to educational infrastructure, including new schools in Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s, Cartwright and Kenmount Terrace in St. John’s, to support modern learning environments.

The Department of Education worked closely with the English School District, the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers Association, NAPE and CUPE throughout the integration process to support a seamless transition.


“The integration process has been years in the making and will now support a more collaborative and efficient K-12 English public education system. I thank the many people who worked diligently during this process, including the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers Association and staff within the Department of Education and former Newfoundland and Labrador English School District. I look forward to our continued work together to support a high-quality education system in Newfoundland and Labrador.”
Honourable Krista Lynn Howell
Minister of Education

“Our government is committed to ensuring that students have the support and resources required to be successful in school. I look forward to our department’s new role which includes daily operations, maintenance and support to student transportation and learning institutions across our province. We recognize that these integration policies will benefit higher learning and advance modern and inclusive spaces for Newfoundland and Labrador students.”
Honourable John G. Abbott
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure


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