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Provincial Government Providing Funding to Improve Access to Nutritious Food

Press Release

May 1, 2024

The Honourable Tom Osborne, Minister of Health and Community Services, announced today approximately $220,000 in funding to Food First Newfoundland and Labrador to support improved access to nutritious foods for residents throughout the province.

Food First Newfoundland and Labrador is a non-profit organization that works to advance the right to food in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The funding is in addition to annual operating grants of $105,000 provided to Food First Newfoundland and Labrador to support community-level food security initiatives across multiple settings including schools, the retail sector and Indigenous communities.

The Department of Health and Community Services prioritizes improved access to nutritious food as a component of improving health outcomes and addressing the social determinants of health for the residents of the province. The department focuses on community and school-based initiatives to support improved access to food.

In November 2023, the Provincial Government announced a new Poverty Reduction Plan that provides incremental investments totaling $41 million. The plan focuses on improving the overall well-being of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians with a series of actions aimed at reducing poverty and improving food security in the province.

Budget 2024 builds on transforming Newfoundland and Labrador with record high investments in health care, seniors, housing and poverty reduction.

“This investment represents a continued commitment to becoming one of the healthiest provinces in Canada by 2031. Food First NL helps to increase access to nutritious food at the community and retail levels. Improving access to nutritious foods can help improve health outcomes and address the social determinants of health for the residents of the province.”
Honourable Tom Osborne
Minister of Health and Community Services

“Every day we see examples of how communities and organizations are coming together to strengthen our food system. This investment will help Food First NL support these efforts all over the province.”
Joshua Smee
CEO, Food First Newfoundland and Labrador


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Budget 2024

Poverty Reduction Plan

Food First Newfoundland and Labrador

2024 05 01


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