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Raising the bar: Mayor believes progress underway in key ‘challenging’ areas – Northern News

May 23, 2024

Mayor Matthew Shoemaker wants to also focus on the west-end expansion of the Hub Trail and he’s hoping a route can be engineered and costed out in time for 2025 budget deliberations.

Resiliency is how Mayor Matthew Shoemaker refers to how Saultites face the challenges and obstacles put before them.

“Time after time, Saultites have proven to be resilient, often times when the deck is most stacked against us,” he wrote in his report, which was released Wednesday.

He’s particularly pleased with the relationship building and outreach that is occurring in the community, from the city’s first-ever Menorah lighting event to celebrating Hanukah with the local Jewish community and city council’s unanimous decision to ensure French-language services are available at city hall.

Cultural competency, anti-Islamophobia and antisemitism training for staff and relationship building with Garden River and Batchewana First Nations are also underway, he said.

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