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Request for Proposals – Matawa Education Department Teacher Recruitment & Retention Resources and Online Presence

matawa_fn_logoRequest for Proposals

Matawa Education Department

Teacher Recruitment & Retention Resources and Online Presence

l. Background

Matawa First Nations Education

Matawa First Nations is a Tribal Council of nine Northern Ontario First Nations located in Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN). The Matawa First Nations Education Department provides quality, accessible, community based educational support services for eight Matawa First Nation schools. In addition, the Education Department provides post-secondary support services and operates the Matawa Learning Centre. Further information about the Matawa First Nations Education Department and the Matawa First Nation schools can be found on our website:

Regional Education Strategic Plan 2015-2020

The Matawa Chiefs in Assembly approved by resolution the renewed Regional Education Strategic Plan. The new strategic plan includes ten strategic initiatives, each of which has associated short-, medium- and long-term goals. The ten strategic initiatives are:

  1. A Matawa First Nation Curriculum and Incorporation of First Nation Culture and History
  2. Special Education
  3. Student and Parental Supports
  4. Minimum Standards and Reporting
  5. Student Attendance, Retention and Completion
  6. Teacher Recruitment and Retention
  7. School Infrastructure
  8. Information Technology
  9. Post-Secondary School Readiness and Retention
  10. Partnerships

ll. Scope of Work

Matawa Education Department Website

The Matawa Education Department is seeking to:

  • To expand Matawa Education department website (WordPress); and
  • Produce a video for the Matawa Education website to provide an overview of teaching and living in Matawa First Nations communities.
  • Revise the Matawa Teacher Orientation Handbook for the Matawa Education website and for distribution to staff in Matawa First Nations schools.

To this end, the Matawa First Nations Education Department is requesting proposals from qualified consultants, or firms with a demonstrated ability to provide professional services for the development of the online presence of Matawa Education Department. Specifically, the qualified consultant or firm will be required to:

  • Review the Regional Education Strategic Plan for Education;
  • Review the Matawa First Nations Management Education IT Plan;
  • For each of the nine participating schools, expand the Matawa Education department website to include for online social media feeds and internal website tools for school activities, etc.;
  • Produce a video for the Matawa Education website to provide an overview of teaching and living in Matawa First Nations communities; and
  • Revise the Matawa Teacher Orientation Handbook to include updated community information and recent best practices in teaching First Nation children in First Nation communities, which will then be made available on the Matawa Education website and hard copies distributed to staff in Matawa First Nations schools.

Deliverables for this contract will include:

  • Storyboard of the webpages being developed;
  • An interim report on the progress of the project;
  • Fully functioning pages for online platforms for each of the nine participating schools;
  • A video accessed through the Matawa Education website that provides an overview of teaching and living in Matawa First Nations communities; and
  • Digital and hard copies of the revised Matawa Teacher Orientation Handbook

lll. Requirements for RFP

  • Company information
  • A summary of process to be followed
  • A schedule of activities
  • Final pricing, including HST
  • Three references from similar past projects

lV. Schedule of Work

Activity Description Timeline Deliverable
Review of Matawa Through a review of available To be
Education’s Regional documentation, become familiarized determined
Education Strategic with the vision of Matawa Education and
Plan, IT Plan, and tasks to be completed.
Matawa Teacher
Prepare additional Based on the review of the above- To be Storyboard
functions of the mentioned documents, a storyboard will determined
website for the be created to map out the pages and
Matawa Education integration of online platforms.
Department for
Draft interim report Prepare an interim report on the To be Interim progress report
and present to the progress of each of the activities. determined
Matawa Education
Produce, present, Film and edit a video to be published on To be Presentation-ready
and publish a video the Matawa Education website that determined video
providing an provides an overview of teaching and
overview of teaching living in Matawa First Nations
and living in Matawa communities. Prior to being published to
First Nations the website, the finished video will be
communities presented to the Matawa Education
Present finished The website and handbook will be March 31, 2017 Website and handbook
website presented in a user-ready state and or sooner presentations
modifications and linked to the Matawa Education website.
the revised Matawa Hard copies and digital copies of the
Teacher Orientation handbook will be available to be
Handbook to the distributed to the Matawa schools’ staffs.
Matawa Education

V. Deadline for Submission

Accepted until filled.

Vl. Delivery Schedule

The successful consultant will complete all work on or before March 31, 2017.

VII. Queries and Clarifications

For queries and clarifications regarding the RFP, please contact:

Sharon Nate, Education Department Manager

Matawa First Nations Education
28 Cumberland Street N., 5th Floor
Thunder Bay ON P7A 4K9

Telephone: 807-768-3300
Fax: 807-768-3301

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