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Say Yes to New Prosperity Coalition Heading to Ottawa

100 MILE HOUSE, BC, Feb. 4, 2014 – The Say Yes to New Prosperity Coalition is heading to Ottawa to encourage the Government of Canada to make a positive decision on the New Prosperity gold-copper project and move it forward to the provincial permitting stage.

The group includes community and business leaders including Cariboo South MLA Donna Barnett, Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook and longtime Tsilhqot’in First Nation leader and former Chief Ervin Charleyboy. Cariboo businessman, Len Doucette, General Manager The Hills Health Ranch in 100 Mile House, BC, says “the purpose of the trip is to remind federal leaders about the broad community support that exists for this project and to call on them to move the project forward. We are a region of proud independent folks who have a long history of successful resource development – ranching, forestry, mining, tourism. We understand mining and we want this project to play a role in our future.”

Taseko Mines, proponent of the New Prosperity project has developed a plan, the heart and soul of which is their commitment to save Fish Lake at an additional cost of $300 million, the primary concern of First Nations. Their pledge includes the establishment of an engineered low permeable liner in the tailings pond located 2 km upstream from Fish Lake. It is the liner which will ensure the long term integrity of the lake.

The project will provide billions in new tax revenue to the Provincial and Federal Governments, 57,000 person years in employment, and local opportunities for business stability, growth and support for education, health and social programs. The project would stimulate job creation in an economically stressed region hard hit by the pine beetle epidemic. The Government of Canada cannot in good conscience turn their backs on this region and our future. “The project represents an important opportunity for the Cariboo and it would be a blow to our communities if this project isn’t able to move forward. We want Ottawa to understand that this is about our future”, said Doucette. “Over 4000 people have shared and shown their support for this project through various means. These people and their families are committed to the Cariboo and we expect Ottawa to be committed to this region as well. That is also our message and why our group from Williams Lake and 100 Mile House are taking the time and incurring the personal expense to fly to Ottawa and make our views known directly in the nation’s capital,” concluded Doucette.

For further information:
Say Yes To New Prosperity
Len Doucette @ 250-706-2192 or email


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