Press Release
Recently the Board of Directors along with Chief and Council have undertaken significant efforts to bring our own legislation under Bill C-92. Bill C-92 allows First Nations to develop their OWN law that would replace provincial legislation. When this happens, the province’s rules will no longer apply to OUR children, and we will have more say over what happens to our children allowing us to keep families connected and our culture intact.
This new Siksika Children’s law will formally be known as Siksikaipokowa Otokaakstsimoan.
One of the hallmarks of Bill C92 is expanded territorial jurisdiction. Previously when one of our children is in need of services, Siksika Family Services is only able to intervene in cases that occur within the city of Calgary or on Siksika lands – this means places like Strathmore, and surrounding areas around Siksika were NOT within our jurisdiction. Once our own law is passed, Siksika Family Services will be able to intervene and become involved for all our children, no matter where they live throughout the Province of Alberta.
However, Siksika Family Services along with members of Council were able to negotiate an expanded jurisdiction effective immediately before the implementation of our law. Previously, we were only limited to intervene in cases in Calgary and Siksika but as of November 5, 2024, we are now able to intervene and deliver services to our children in the following areas:
(i) the municipal district of Wheatland County;
(ii) the municipal district of Foothills County;
(iii) the municipal district of the County of Newell;
(iv) the municipal district of Rocky View County; and
(v) the municipal district of Vulcan County;
Expanded jurisdiction means fewer children will be lost to the system. Siksika Nation and Siksika Family Services are making steady progress toward implementing Bill C-92 ensuring our cultural connection to our children remains strong.
Implementing our own legislation in place of Alberta’s Provincial Law is a significant task, and we are taking every step possible to ensure that we can meet or exceed standards of appropriate and effective service delivery. Before Siksika Nation is ready fully assume jurisdiction throughout the province, we must ensure we are prepared for the transition.
As we move to this exciting and brand-new chapter, we are reminded of the tragic history that residential schools and the 60s scoop has had on all First Nations. The Canadian Government has taken active efforts to kill our culture and destroy our spirit – and they have failed. We are healing collectively and remain connected to our culture. Our culture is stronger than anything we have endured; and it will be our children who will continue to fight long after we are gone. It is for them we engage ourselves in this work, and it will be us they will save.
On Behalf of the Siksika Family Services Board of Directors
Samuel R.C. Crowfoot (Siipiinaomahka), B.A., J.D.
Siksika Nation Councillor – Board Chair Siksika Family Services