Press Release
July 11 2024
Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker has issued the following statement:
“The heap leach failure at Victoria Gold Corporation’s Eagle Gold mine has the potential for significant environmental impacts, and Yukoners across the territory are justly concerned about what this means to the land, water, animals, economy and the way of life for Yukoners now and for generations to come.
“Our government remains committed to the safety of people, the environment and our way of life. On Friday, July 5, the Government of Yukon’s Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, in our role as the territory’s mining enforcement body, issued an inspector’s direction. This is because of the failure of the heap leach facility and our belief that a danger to the environment may reasonably be expected to result from the adverse effects of that failure.
“Under the direction, Victoria Gold is mandated to implement critical measures to safeguard our lands and waters, including developing plans to:
“Each requested plan requires a specific timeline that emphasizes the urgency of this work.
“As well, on Wednesday, July 10, we issued an additional inspector’s direction that orders the company to take immediate measures to increase its water storage capacity on site.
“In addition, since the heap leach failure, Yukon government officials have gathered information at the mine site to understand the incident and plan a path forward, prioritizing on-site safety. We continue to collect water samples and monitor test results to better understand and mitigate the impacts of the situation.
“As well, technical experts from the Government of Yukon are engaging with experts from the First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun to coordinate efforts. I want to express appreciation for the expertise and professionalism that these individuals provide and we are grateful for the collaboration.
“The Government of Yukon will continue to provide regular updates for media and the public. I would like to thank everyone involved in gathering, analyzing and sharing information so that Yukoners can remain informed about efforts underway and next steps and are better able to understand what this means for the territory. We all care deeply about these lands and waters, and we know how important it is for Yukoners to understand the impacts of the heap leach failure. We will continue to communicate openly and transparently with Yukoners about this important issue.”
Media contact
Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications