In this interview, Indigenous Icons & Influencers by NationTalk profiles Mark Marsolais-Nahwegahbow, Founder of Birch Bark Coffee Company. Mark is Ojibwe and a Band Member of Whitefish River First Nation located on Birch Island, Ontario in the District of Manitoulin Island.
Mark talks about his mission to change Indigenous lives across Canada & the impacts Covid-19 has had on Birch Bark Coffee Co. A new start-up that was established in March of 2018 offers organic, Fair-Trade and SPP (Small Producers) certified coffee.
Mark was inspired by his community, Birch trees and the connection the trees had to his Indigenous heritage. Birch trees have been relied upon for many centuries by First Nations people, European settlers, and Voyageurs for transporting food, medicine, paper, canoes and crafts.
Birch Bark Coffee Company is cause-driven whose primary existence is to improve on- going social issues for Indigenous families with a focus on creating a positive community change. Sustainable revenue still plays an essential role in our venture and Birch Bark Coffee Company’s goal is to become a highly profitable social enterprise to ensure the foundation is a secure and sound venture.
Birch Bark Coffee Company endeavours to be a revenue-generating business with a twist that maintains a balance between Indigenous social missions and the productivity of the coffee venture. For more information and to order from Birch Bark Coffee Co, click HERE.