Press Release
January 21, 2025 — The Town of Sussex, New Brunswick, is proposing the Sussex Region Flood Diversion Project, a new permanent flood control management system. The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) invites Indigenous Peoples and the public to review the summary of the Initial Project Description and provide comments on the proposed project. This feedback will help IAAC prepare a summary of issues that will be given to the proponent.
How can I participate?
Comments should be submitted online by visiting the project home page on the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry (reference number 89179). The summary of the Initial Project Description is also available on the Registry. Participants who wish to provide their input in a different format can contact IAAC by writing to
Submit your comments online in either official language by 11:59 p.m. on February 10, 2025. All comments received will be published online as part of the project file.
Participant funding will be available to eligible participants during this comment period and details will be announced shortly on the Registry. IAAC will retroactively reimburse eligible participants for their participation in this first comment period.
Virtual Information Sessions
IAAC invites Indigenous Peoples and the public to attend an information session via Zoom to learn more about the project, the impact assessment process, and how to submit comments on the summary of the Initial Project Description.
For information on how to attend a session, please visit the project homepage on the Registry and click on “Information Sessions.” If you have any questions, please contact IAAC using the project email above.
What is the proposed project?
The Town of Sussex, New Brunswick, is proposing the construction and operation of a new permanent flood control management system. As proposed, the Sussex Region Flood Diversion Project would consist of two new diversion channels and divert water from Trout Creek and Parsons Brook around the town to the Kennebecasis River during flood events. The project would also include the construction of a two-metre-high flood barrier, water intake control structures, access roads, two road crossings, and the raising of the bridge on Route 890.
Stay updated on this project by following IAAC on X (previously Twitter): @IAAC_AEIC #SussexFlood or sign-up for notifications on the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry.
For media inquiries, contact IAAC‘s media relations team by writing to, or by calling 343-549-3870.