Press Release
Canadian Housing Statistics Program, 2020
New data from the Canadian Housing Statistics Program indicate higher rates of buying among recent immigrants and people younger than 35 in Manitoba compared with other provinces and territories.
Urban public transit, May 2022
The number of urban transit passengers in Canada continued to rise in May, reaching 94.5 million trips, the highest monthly level since before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Criminal victimization of First Nations, Métis and Inuit people in Canada, 2018 to 2020
First Nations people, Métis and Inuit are overrepresented among victims of violence in Canada. Previous research has suggested a link between this violent victimization and past and present colonial policies, including the residential school system, marginalization and institutionalized racism. These policies have resulted in the disruption of community and family structures, as well as resulted in intergenerational trauma, which are also both linked to violent victimization of Indigenous people.
Political participation, civic engagement and caregiving among youth in Canada
Today, Statistics Canada is releasing a report titled “Political participation, civic engagement and caregiving among youth in Canada.” This is the sixth chapter of Portrait of Youth in Canada: Data Report, a publication that provides a comprehensive overview of Canadian youth, defined as those aged 15 to 30 years old.
Labour market outcomes for college and university graduates, 2010 to 2018
Today, Statistics Canada is releasing data on labour market outcomes for college and university graduates for the graduating classes of 2010 to 2018. This release includes information on the median employment income by educational qualification, field of study, gender, age group, and status of student in Canada. For the first time, this release also includes information on the median employment income of graduates 10 years after graduation. Data are available at the national, provincial and territorial levels.
Persistence and graduation indicators of postsecondary students by parental income, 2012/2013 entry cohort
Today, Statistics Canada is releasing a fact sheet entitled “Persistence and graduation indicators of postsecondary students by parental income, 2012/2013 entry cohort.” This fact sheet explores the association between parental income and the pathways of young adults in postsecondary education for students who began their studies in the 2012/2013 academic year.
Housing economic account, 1961 to 2021
Strong growth in housing investment in 2021 has pushed Canada’s net stock of residential assets up 18.9%, representing 22.0% of national wealth. Total residential stock, which reached $3.4 trillion, includes social housing assets amounting to $44.6 billion. This productive activity was associated with over 1.3 million jobs and $141.3 billion in gross domestic product (GDP).