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The Government of Yukon shares updates for the upcoming 2024–25 fishing and hunting licensing year

Press Release

Mar 27, 2024

The licensing season for fishing and hunting for the 2024–25 season starts April 1. Fishing and hunting licences are valid from April 1 to March 31 every year so Yukoners who fish and hunt will need to renew their licences for 2024–25.

Fishing licences are available for early sale. If you are planning to fish on April 1, people must purchase a 2024–25 fishing licence in person or online.

Hunting licences are also available starting April 1. People must have a valid hunting licence for 2024–25 to apply for the Permit Hunt Authorization lottery, which opens Thursday, April 18, 2024, and to apply for the special guide licence lottery, which opens Monday, April 1, 2024.

The Government of Yukon is sharing the following updates ahead of the 2024–25 licensing season.

Mandatory barbless hooks:

  • Nine additional lakes will be restricted to mandatory barbless hooks: Fish Lake, Fox Lake, Kusawa Lake, Lake Laberge, Little Salmon Lake, Louise Lake, Mayo Lake, Nares Lake and Pine Lake.

Sheep hunting:

  • Due to conservation concerns, Kluane First Nation cancelled their auction of the Kluane Wildlife Sanctuary sheep permit for the 2023–24 and 2024–25 seasons. In the spirit of wildlife co-management, the Department of Environment will not be issuing the 2024–25 lottery for this permit as in 2023–24.
  • There are no other changes to sheep hunting in the southwest Yukon at this time. The Department of Environment is continuing discussions with wildlife co-management partners regarding the conservation of sheep populations in the southwest Yukon.

New E-vendor system for licensing sales:

  • Vendors who sell licences will now have access to a new E-vendor licensing system starting April 2, 2024. The new system enables vendors to sell fishing licences, hunting seals and camping permits and will be connected directly to a customer’s Environment e-services account so all licences and permits are up to date.

We strive to ensure we balance the protection of the Yukon’s fish and wildlife, habitats and ecosystems with sustainable harvest opportunities and a valuable service to Yukoners. We remain committed to working together with our wildlife co-management partners, including the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board, Yukon First Nations and Renewable Resources Councils to ensure the harvest of fish and wildlife in the Yukon is responsible and sustainable.

Minister of Environment Nils Clarke

The board supports the implementation of mandatory barbless hooks on these nine Yukon lakes. This regulation change promotes sustainable, low-impact angling practices on some of the territory’s most accessible bodies of water.

Chair of the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board Michelle Dawson-Beattie

Quick facts

  • It was previously recommended that barbless hooks were used at the nine listed lakes. It is now mandatory and enforceable effective April 1.
  • The mandatory use of barbless hooks in the nine listed lakes follows recommendations from the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board.
  • In April 2023, the Government of Yukon did not issue its 2023–24 Permit Hunt Authorization lottery for the Kluane Wildlife Sanctuary following the cancellation made by Kluane First Nation. The Permit Hunt Authorization will not be issued for 2024–25.
  • The Government of Yukon has provided training to existing vendors to ensure an effective transition to a new e-vendor system.
  • The new e-vendor system will support the protection of personal privacy by moving sales from paper to electronic.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Mara De La Rosa
Communications, Environment


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