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The Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program

Press Release

What is Energiesprong?

Energiesprong describes a practice of aggregated deep energy retrofits developed in The Netherlands. This model has been successfully adopted in Germany, the UK, France, and the United States. 5,700 homes in The Netherlands have gone through the energiesprong process, and the number is growing in other countries too.

Energiesprong is an accelerated retrofitting process that aggregates homes and buildings with similar architecture. With a larger project scale and similar building archetypes, widespread energy retrofits are easier to complete.

For example, the process often includes prefabricated exterior panels to reduce labour time, project costs, and energy use in the buildings.

Learn more about energiesprong in this video.

Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program Overview

According to NRCan, “more than two-thirds of buildings that will be standing in Canada in 2050 have been built today, and many of them need to be retrofitted to make them more sustainable.” The GNPP’s goal is to speed up the retrofitting process by understanding how we can adopt energiesprong here in Canada.

The GNPP has invited several partners to perform market research. The Market Development Teams’ mandate is to find strategies and partners to make energiesprong possible here in Canada.

FNPA is a Market Development Team alongside Earthrise Building Services, EnviroCentre, The ReCover Initiative, and Sustainable Buildings Canada.

FNPA’s Role in the GNPP Market Development Team

FNPA holds Indigenous needs and opportunities at the centre of our involvement in this project. With funding from NRCan, we will be working with ten Indigenous communities to pilot the home mapping concept as part of the energiesprong system.

We will select 5 – 10  homes in each community with similar architecture. From here, we will utilize Lidar Laser mapping to create a highly accurate digital map. Then, as per the energiesprong process, these maps would be sent to manufacturers to build new, more energy-efficient building envelopes for every home. In addition, solar panels would be placed on the buildings’ roofs to make them Net Zero. However, for now, we are collecting information and identifying the feasibility of this project here in Canada.

In addition to the laser mapping, FNPA will conduct energy audits on the buildings to identify their current energy use and the opportunities for improvements. This will include recommendations for the building envelope and the interior (lighting, hot water, heating, cooling, appliances, etc.).

The deep retrofits and utilizing energiesprong technology will help Indigenous communities with sustainable, lower operating costs, and healthier homes in the future!


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