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Totem pole, artwork, unveiled at new RCMP detachment – Chemainus Valley Courier

Building and art work symbolize new beginning in relationship between police and First Nations

A totem pole at the new $48-million RCMP detachment on Drinkwater Road and Indigenous window art in the building’s lobby were unveiled at a ceremony on Jan. 15.

Dylan Thomas, a Coast Salish artist from the Lyackson First Nation, designed and created the totem pole, and was present when it was raised and blessed at the ceremony. Thomas explained to the large crowd of RCMP representatives, politicians and local officials that gathered for the ceremony that the totem pole depicts a human that has encountered The Thunderbird and is acquiring the Thunderbird’s powers.

“In Coast Salish oral traditions, there are many stories about human beings acquiring the powers of supernatural beings such as the Thunderbird,” he said.

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