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Volleyball Development Camp Announced for December

Press Release

November 20th, 2024

I∙SPARC is pleased to announce its upcoming BC Indigenous Provincial Athlete Development Camps for volleyball.

This camp in partnership with Volleyball BC and Upper Skeena Recreation Centre. The one-day event is being held on Sunday, December 8 at the Upper Skeena Recreation Centre in Hazelton, BC.

Indigenous youth (First Nations, Métis, Inuit), ages 10-18 are invited to participate.

I∙SPARC requests that interested athletes register before 4PM on Tuesday, December 3 2024.

Click Hear To Register!

These camps are an important component of the Provincial Strategy for Indigenous Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity. The events provide a unique opportunity for Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) athletes and coaches throughout the province to gather and compete in events that promote sport excellence while celebrating cultural unity and pride.

Stay tuned to future announcements about upcoming sports in the winter season.


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