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What We Heard report released on new minerals legislation

Press Release

Aug 27, 2024

This news release has been updated to correct information on consultations.

The Government of Yukon has released a What We Heard report following an extensive public engagement on new minerals legislation.

The report presents feedback received during a three-month public engagement in spring 2023, which included meetings across the territory and consultations with Indigenous governments.

Engagement sessions saw significant interest and participation from the public, reflecting the importance of this topic to Yukoners. The government received diverse and comprehensive input representing the full spectrum of views on mining in the Yukon.

Some respondents want new mining laws that better balance mining activities against other land uses, and that implement reforms regarding security, royalties, Indigenous government involvement, socio-economic benefits. Other respondents expressed concerns that substantial changes to the current system would result in too much uncertainty for the mining industry and would harm the Yukon’s economy and investment climate.

This feedback gathered during the public engagement will be instrumental as the Government of Yukon, in partnership with Yukon First Nations, transboundary Indigenous governments and groups, and the Council of Yukon First Nations, develop new minerals legislation.

This new legislation will address every stage of mining activity, from prospecting through to the operation of a mine, closure and site remediation. It will aim to improve the management of the Yukon’s mineral resources in a way that protects the environment, better reflects First Nations’ relationships with the land, protects taxpayers and supports a competitive and responsible mining industry.

Separate engagement sessions were held, in addition to the public engagement sessions, with Indigenous governments and groups, environmental groups and industry.

The What We Heard report is available at

Our goal in developing new minerals legislation is to create a regime that better reflects First Nations’ relationships with the land and supports a competitive and viable, responsible mining industry. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to participate in this public engagement. We are committed to working in partnership with Yukon First Nations governments and we appreciate the time, effort and resources each government has committed to this initiative. New minerals legislation, that benefits all Yukoners, is critical for the territory.

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker

Yukoners have been quite clear that we need to modernize the territory’s mining sector, so I’m glad to see that CASA has taken mining legislation into the 21st century. That means actively working with Yukon First Nations to set clear expectations for industry about respecting and affirming First Nations rights and protecting the Yukon’s environment for future generations.

Kate White, Leader of the Yukon NDP

Quick facts

  • The new minerals legislation Steering Committee, comprising the Government of Yukon, Council of Yukon First Nations, Yukon First Nations and transboundary Indigenous governments and groups, was established in fall 2021.
  • Industry and environmental organizations have also been involved in the process to ensure their perspectives are understood.
  • The Mineral Development Strategy, produced by an independent panel in 2021, recommends modernized minerals legislation.
  • The Government of Yukon committed to jointly develop any new resource legislation with Yukon First Nations when it signed the Devolution Transfer Agreement in 2003.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications


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